Monday, 2 July 2012

Miso and Green Pea Dip

4 days without updating, excuse me.  So. I'm going to try to have healthier recipes up here for the next couple of days because I fell off a boat, tore some ligaments -- basically I can't really walk.  It's funny, just yesterday I had decided that I was going to jog everyday, and that very day I fall off a boat.  I'm not meant to be fit.  So I'm not moving, so I can't quite indulge in desserts and whatnot.  So here's a miso and green pea dip I made, healthy and quick, eat with some good bread, everybody's happy.

Adapted from Food and Wine
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
3 cups frozen peas
3 tbsp yellow miso paste

Fry the onions in a pan with a bit of oil for a couple of minutes until fragrant.  Add the peas and let cook for a couple of minutes until tender.  Transfer to a food processor, add miso and 1/4 cup of water and puree until smooth.


  1. That is a sexy looking dip, Maria! Love the sound of it - will try it!


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