Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Whole Wheat Bread
When you bite into it, you get that initial crunch from the hard crust followed by your teeth sinking gently into the soft, light crumb in the middle -- then you know it's good bread.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Butternut Squash Jam
Friday, 25 November 2011
Butternut Squash Filo Triangles with Caramelized Onions and Goat's Cheese
I know, the title is long but I wanted to let you know everything that's inside. If I just called it Butternut Squash Filo Triangles, it doesn't sound nearly as exciting as when I have the words "caramelized onions" and "goat's cheese" in it. I was even thinking of putting "hazelnuts" in the title but that may have been excessive. Yes, there are hazelnuts inside (you can omit it if you're allergic or something but it adds a nice flavor and crunch to it).
I made these for a dinner party and they're quite easy to make. Oh and happy belated thanksgiving guys! I'm not American but I'm having a belated Thanksgiving dinner feast tonight. I'm not having anything to do with it, I'm leaving it to the Americans, I don't think non-Americans should be involved. I attempted to make these.."buttermilk biscuits" this morning and..well, I will blog about it soon. I think I'll just bring wine. Wine and bread. Or maybe savory scones..? They're practically the same right?
I made these for a dinner party and they're quite easy to make. Oh and happy belated thanksgiving guys! I'm not American but I'm having a belated Thanksgiving dinner feast tonight. I'm not having anything to do with it, I'm leaving it to the Americans, I don't think non-Americans should be involved. I attempted to make these.."buttermilk biscuits" this morning and..well, I will blog about it soon. I think I'll just bring wine. Wine and bread. Or maybe savory scones..? They're practically the same right?
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Chestnut Mousse
Yes, chestnuts again. I know, I feel like I only cook with two things, chestnuts and squash. I can't wait until seasons change and I get to cook with different things. But it's ok, I love chestnuts and squash and here I'm showing how you can practically do anything with them! So enjoy them while they're in season.
This mousse is delicious, and best part is it's not even that fattening! It's quite light, it only has 2 tbsp of cream (split amongst 5 portions, so only about 50 calories coming from the cream in each portion :D) and if you really wanted to you could replace the cream with milk, it was only used to thin out the mixture a bit. Or yoghurt maybe. Anyway, this can be made ahead, don't be like me, I didn't calculate my timings right and made them too late for my dinner party, they should be refrigerated for a minimum of 2 hours until they set.
Prep time: 1 hr Cook time: well, no real cook time, let it set in the fridge for at least 2 hrs Serves: 5 Suitable for: impressing guests with a delicious and healthy indulgence
3 egg whites
1 yolk
2 tbsp cream
150g chestnuts
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp cocoa
1/2 cup sugar
Roast the chestnuts in a preheated oven of 180C for about 30 minutes until tender. Peel and put in a pot with the milk and a pinch of salt, and let it simmer over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Puree everything in s a food processor.
Press through a sieve to get a velvety smooth paste, this may be a bit difficult because it's quite a thick paste, you can add a bit of milk to thin it out. Mix the paste with the egg yolk, half the sugar, vanilla, cocoa and 2 tbsp of cream, you can substitute this with milk if you'd like, this is just to make it richer. Beat the egg whites with the sugar until glossy and stiff peaks form. At this point fold the egg whites into the chestnut mixture. To make it easier, first take about 1/4 of it and mix it in, then gently fold in the rest, this will make your life a lot easier. Once fully incorporated, put it in individual ramekins or wine glasses or whatever it is that you fancy, and let them rest in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours.
Decorate with chocolate shavings or a dusting of cocoa/icing sugar. Be creative. Originally I had planned to decorate with caramelized chestnuts, it would've been beautiful, but caramel and I were not getting along. I made 4 batches and they burnt every time. I blame the stove. Or the sugar. Or the pan. It became a very frustrating 40 minutes with me just yelling nasty things to my caramel. But the mousse calmed me down, it didn't need those caramelized chestnuts, they were still beautiful.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Moroccan Spiced Roast Chicken with Couscous Stuffing
I love an excuse to cook a roast. I love roasts, but I can't always justify making a roast just for myself. The easiest/cheapest would be chicken. And everyone loves chicken so it's always a safe choice. So my friends came over last night and I made a Moroccan spiced roast chicken with couscous stuffing. Oh it's as good as it sounds. It's got honey, dates, nuts, spices, cinnamon. All things good.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Breakfast Banana Chocolate Souffle
A breakfast souffle? Yes, I'm a breakfast person and I'll go through the trouble of making a souffle for breakfast if I have time. A good breakfast can make my day, and this is actually a cheat's souffle, it's not that complicated, it really just takes 10 minutes for prep and then you put it in the oven for 25 minutes. So here's the plan: you wake up, preheat the oven, in the mean time you take a shower. After the shower, you make the souffle, put it in the oven, and while it's cooking, you get dressed. It's not time consuming at all if you plan ahead.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Stuffed Scallop/Patty Pan Squash
"Um. I'm not sure, I've never had one of these. It's just a squash."
No sh*t it's a squash, lady, but what is it? It frustrates me when people don't know what they're selling. Anyway, after some research online, I believe they are called scallop squash or patty pan squash. It's a summer squash and apparently you can find really tiny ones. But that's just in the summer unfortunately.
This turned out to be exquisite. I really should've been working on my Psychology practical or at least be attending my Maths lecture but I had no idea how long this dish would take. I only had a one hour lunch break, but it stretched out to be two hours and I missed my Maths lecture. It's ok, the result was amazing.
Prep and Cook time: < 1 hr Serves: 1 Suitable for: delicious procrastinations
1 scallop squash
6 chestnuts
1 small carrot, diced
2 sprigs of thyme
1 onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp raisins
1 piece of pumpernickel bread
a splash of white wine
2 tsp cinnamon
1 knob of butter
Cut the lid off of the scallop squash, like how you would to a carving pumpkin. Put on roasting tin along with chestnuts, carrots and thyme. Drizzle generously with oil roast in the oven at 200C for around 30 minutes until everything is tender. While the goodies are comfortably in the oven, heat a bit oil in a pan and throw in your onions. Let them slowly fry and caramelize over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Chestnut Bread
Like I said, chestnut season. I still have about 100g of chestnuts left, so expect another chestnut recipe soon. Anyway, felt like baking bread, probably not the smartest idea to have in the late afternoon as it's too early to leave it overnight yet too late to be able to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
I like making bread, there are few things as satisfying as taking your homemade bread out of the oven.
It's quite plain, probably a good idea to eat it with cheese or some jam and butter, it's white bread with a hint of chestnut. Ok, more than a hint, but it's not an overpowering flavor of chestnut. It's nice and simple and earthy and nutty and just slightly sweet.
I like making bread, there are few things as satisfying as taking your homemade bread out of the oven.
It's quite plain, probably a good idea to eat it with cheese or some jam and butter, it's white bread with a hint of chestnut. Ok, more than a hint, but it's not an overpowering flavor of chestnut. It's nice and simple and earthy and nutty and just slightly sweet.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Chestnut Stuffed Mushroom Caps
It's chestnut season and I love chestnuts, but plain old chestnuts roasting on an open fire can get a bit boring at times. Stuffed vegetables on the other hand, are always exciting.
Vegetables stuffed and rolled are just so pretty. Excuse the photos because they do these stuffed mushrooms no justice, they actually looked lovely. Chestnuts and mushrooms have a wonderful partnership. They both have this beautiful earthy note, and chestnuts have that extra flavor, that mellow sweetness, that it so kindly lends to the mushrooms as they slowly roast together in the oven. These make a great appetizer, but only after I ate it did I realize that they could've done well with a nice simple dressing, a salsa verde, to perk it up a bit. Whizz up some garlic, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice and grind. Season and drizzle on top.
Prep time: 25 min Cook time: 10 min Serves: 2 Suitable for: a simple romantic appetizer for two or a casual main for one
2 big mushroom caps
1 small red onion, finely chopped
8 chestnuts, cooked and peeled
A splash of wine
A generous block of Grana Padano (or any other hard cheese you have at hand)
A generous nob of butter
a handful of parsley
Sautee the onions with some oil in a pan over medium heat for about 20 minutes until beautifully caramelized. Remove the stems from the mushrooms, chop that up finely along with the chestnuts and add to the pan. Add a splash of wine and fry for a couple of minutes more before seasoning. Place the mixture in the mushroom caps, let them get nice and cozy. Cut up your nob of butter and slice your cheese, place them on top of the mushrooms. Bake in a preheated oven of 180C for 10-12 minutes and serve with chopped parsley sprinkled on top.
Well, there's that sauce that you can drizzle on top. Again, it's whatever you have at hand.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Chestnut and Butternut Squash Soup
I think I might be posting nothing but soup recipes for the next two months. It's just so cold and I don't understand why my heater isn't even remotely warm. The cold just puts me in a bad mood. It's ok, soup makes it all better. This is sweet, spicy, light and delicious.
Prep time: 30 min Cook time: 15 min Serves: 3 Suitable for: warming the soul when you're sad
350g chestnuts
500g butternut squash, peeled and cubed
1 small apple, cubed
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 cup vegetable stock
1 cup milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1tbsp honey
Prep time: 30 min Cook time: 15 min Serves: 3 Suitable for: warming the soul when you're sad
350g chestnuts
500g butternut squash, peeled and cubed
1 small apple, cubed
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 cup vegetable stock
1 cup milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1tbsp honey
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Chocolate and Pear Marzipan Tart
Pear, almond and chocolate. You just know it will be good when the three appear together. Almond marzipan filling sitting on a chocolate pastry shell with sweet pears, bitter chocolate and roasted almonds all around. Mmm.
I had just bought ground almonds because I was planning on making macaroons for my friend, however, my mechanical scale was disappointing me and so I had to settle for something else. Obviously not as impressive or delicate as French macaroons but they're still tasty and perfectly capable of satisfying your friends.
You can make a lot of this ahead of time, like the shortcrust pastry and the marzipan, these can keep in the fridge for a few days. Then when you're ready, the process should take less than 10 minutes (slicing your pears, chopping your chocolate etc).
Prep time: 1.5 hr Cook time: 25 min Serves: 4 Suitable for: surprising your friends
Chocolate Shortcrust Pastry
125g butter
250g flour
20g cocoa
100g icing sugar
2 yolks
60g butter
60g sugar
1 egg
70g ground almonds
2 tbsp sliced almonds
10g dark chocolate
2 pears (thinly sliced)
Make sure everything's cold. Butter's fridge cold, your bowl's cold and your hands are cold. Nigel Slater's tip for a warm summer day of baking is to run your hands under cold water first. Using your hands, mix the butter with the flour until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Mix in the cocoa and the icing sugar. Add a splash of water to your egg yolks and beat briefly, then put it in the mixture. It will be quite crumbly but try your best to form it into a block, wrap it in cling film and leave it in the fridge for at least half an hour.
Once you take it out of the fridge it may still be quite crumbly and so it may be difficult to roll it out into a thin sheet. Nige's tip is to simply cut out thin slices (about 3mm) and with your hands patch them up and place into your buttered moulds. Using a fork, poke holes, this is to make sure that they don't rise too much when you bake them. These will cook quite quick so simply put them in a preheated oven of 180C for 5 minutes. They'll cook through with the filling later.
Cream the butter with the sugar until light and pale, beat in the eggs, one at a time. And finally, add the ground almonds. Put this on the stove over medium heat and stir continuously until it boils. It will very thick, similar to the picture below.
Chop your dark chocolate and place 2/3 of it on the partially-baked pastry before spreading the marzipan on top. Add your thinly sliced pears and put in the oven (180C) for 25 minutes. In the last 5 minutes sprinkle sliced almonds and more chocolate on top.
These smell absolutely divine, as soon as you take them out of the oven you'll have the smell of cocoa and roasted almond rushing up your nose. And once you taste them, mmm. The mellow sweetness of the pears, the bitter notes of the chocolate, and the roasted nuttiness of the marzipan all working harmoniously together, making your belly happy.
Oh feel free to do anything here! Do a hazelnut marzipan instead, change your pears to bananas, change it to white chocolate, make your pastry shell plain, make it with ground almonds. You can do anything, whatever ingredients get your mouth watering.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Found in practically all Italian restaurants and a favorite amongst many. You've got the beautiful, subtle contrast in texture with the silky smooth cream against the soft, tender sponge, that when bitten into, releases a strong robust flavor of coffee matched with hints of bitter notes from the cocoa, altogether supporting yet not overpowering the mellow and elegant notes of the mascarpone. Tiramisu when literally translated means "pull me up", while the origin of the dessert is unclear, most suggest that it's meant to not contain alcohol because the caffeine in it needs to wake you up, or "pull" you up, after a heavy meal. Hence this recipe doesn't contain alcohol. It's just as good, if not, in fact, better, because this below is the best tiramisu recipe. That's right, I said it. I love tiramisu but I would never order it in a restaurant. Never. Not even if it's from the best restaurant in Venice. I grew up with my father's tiramisu and I've never found one that tasted better.
The key lies in its simplicity, like most great Italian dishes it's just a beautiful combination of a few ingredients. This one contains just 6: eggs, mascarpone, sugar, cocoa, ladyfingers and coffee. It's incredibly simple to make and very impressive to your friends.
Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 2 hours Serves: 8-10 Suitable for: thanking your friends for something
5 eggs
500g mascarpone
150g sugar
1-2 packs of lady fingers
3 shots of espresso, cooled and mixed with a dash of water.
some cocoa
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar and mascarpone until foamy. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and gently fold that into the yolk mixture. Dip the ladyfingers in the coffee and lay them out next to each other in an even layer on your dish (note: you want them to have enough coffee so they're soft and spongy but not too much that it leaves a pool of coffee on your plate). Spread the mascarpone mixture on top. Here you may choose to do another layer, I didn't but feel free to do so if your dish is small. You don't want to stint on the mascarpone mixture though, so make sure your ratio of the cream and the ladyfingers is at least 1:1. I personally prefer it to be 2:1. Dust with cocoa powder in the end and put in the fridge for at least 2 hours. When ready to serve, dust with another layer of cocoa.
I won't suggest any because this is perfect. But you could essentially replace the ladyfingers with sponge cake and add chopped good quality dark chocolate in between your ladyfingers and mascarpone mixture. And you could add alcohol, like kahlua, if you really wish. But try this classic recipe first before you make that decision.
The key lies in its simplicity, like most great Italian dishes it's just a beautiful combination of a few ingredients. This one contains just 6: eggs, mascarpone, sugar, cocoa, ladyfingers and coffee. It's incredibly simple to make and very impressive to your friends.
Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 2 hours Serves: 8-10 Suitable for: thanking your friends for something
5 eggs
500g mascarpone
150g sugar
1-2 packs of lady fingers
3 shots of espresso, cooled and mixed with a dash of water.
some cocoa
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar and mascarpone until foamy. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and gently fold that into the yolk mixture. Dip the ladyfingers in the coffee and lay them out next to each other in an even layer on your dish (note: you want them to have enough coffee so they're soft and spongy but not too much that it leaves a pool of coffee on your plate). Spread the mascarpone mixture on top. Here you may choose to do another layer, I didn't but feel free to do so if your dish is small. You don't want to stint on the mascarpone mixture though, so make sure your ratio of the cream and the ladyfingers is at least 1:1. I personally prefer it to be 2:1. Dust with cocoa powder in the end and put in the fridge for at least 2 hours. When ready to serve, dust with another layer of cocoa.
I won't suggest any because this is perfect. But you could essentially replace the ladyfingers with sponge cake and add chopped good quality dark chocolate in between your ladyfingers and mascarpone mixture. And you could add alcohol, like kahlua, if you really wish. But try this classic recipe first before you make that decision.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Spicy Red Wine Apple Tarte Tatin
There will be no anecdotes to accompany this recipe not just because I'm feeling lazy but I don't want anything to steal the spotlight from this truly heavenly dessert. This post should only be about this apple tarte tatin, nothing more. I will not mention the conditions in which I made this in (after failing a test and being on the verge of tears), because it doesn't matter. All that matters is that this was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. A sweet and spicy tart reminiscent of Christmas and everything that's good in life. It's time consuming but your house will be filled with the aroma of mulled wine making the whole process quite therapeutic -- a cure to all stress and worries.
This should be done in a fairly large pan (mine was about 25cm in diameter) that can be put into the oven, ie. with a metal handle.
Prep time: 1.5 hrs Cook time: 1.25 hrs Serves: 10 people Suitable for: relieving stress
7 apples (give or take) (peeled, cored and sliced into quarters)
2 cup red wine
2 cinnamon sticks
4 whole cloves
4 cracked cardamom pods
3/4 cup sugar
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cherry liqueur (whatever fruity liqueur you have will do)
400g puff pastry
Heat the wine with cinnamon, cloves and cardamom over medium high heat until it's reduced to about 1/4 cup (about 20 min). Strain and put aside.
Making the caramel
This can be tricky but the key is just patience and knowing that caramel is not your friend. Do not be tempted to play with it, you may think it's your friend because you love it but it does not love you back. Spread the sugar on an even layer on the pan over medium high heat and just watch it like a hawk. You can shake the pan about to make sure it's heating the sugar evenly but don't stir it. It will be done once it's all melted to an amber glow.
Take it off the heat and add the wine, butter, vanilla and liqueur. Put it back on the heat and stir until everything unifies.
Put in the apples and coat them in the caramel before reducing the heat to a simmer, letting everything rest for about 20 minutes until the apples have softened.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Unroll the puff pastry to abou 5mm thick and cut out a circle that's about the size of your pan. Once your apples have softened and left to cool for 10 minutes, drape the pastry over everything and tuck in the ends to the apples on the edges of the pan. Like tugging in a baby to sleep, with care and love.
Put the pan into the oven and bake for 1 hours and 15 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool for at least 10 minutes and carefully invert it onto a plate.
-Have fun with the caramel. And by this I mean try adding different flavors, not just mulled wine.
-Change the fruit if you like pears or bananas better than apples.
This should be done in a fairly large pan (mine was about 25cm in diameter) that can be put into the oven, ie. with a metal handle.
Prep time: 1.5 hrs Cook time: 1.25 hrs Serves: 10 people Suitable for: relieving stress
7 apples (give or take) (peeled, cored and sliced into quarters)
2 cup red wine
2 cinnamon sticks
4 whole cloves
4 cracked cardamom pods
3/4 cup sugar
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cherry liqueur (whatever fruity liqueur you have will do)
400g puff pastry
Heat the wine with cinnamon, cloves and cardamom over medium high heat until it's reduced to about 1/4 cup (about 20 min). Strain and put aside.
Making the caramel
This can be tricky but the key is just patience and knowing that caramel is not your friend. Do not be tempted to play with it, you may think it's your friend because you love it but it does not love you back. Spread the sugar on an even layer on the pan over medium high heat and just watch it like a hawk. You can shake the pan about to make sure it's heating the sugar evenly but don't stir it. It will be done once it's all melted to an amber glow.
Take it off the heat and add the wine, butter, vanilla and liqueur. Put it back on the heat and stir until everything unifies.
Put in the apples and coat them in the caramel before reducing the heat to a simmer, letting everything rest for about 20 minutes until the apples have softened.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Unroll the puff pastry to abou 5mm thick and cut out a circle that's about the size of your pan. Once your apples have softened and left to cool for 10 minutes, drape the pastry over everything and tuck in the ends to the apples on the edges of the pan. Like tugging in a baby to sleep, with care and love.
Put the pan into the oven and bake for 1 hours and 15 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool for at least 10 minutes and carefully invert it onto a plate.
-Have fun with the caramel. And by this I mean try adding different flavors, not just mulled wine.
-Change the fruit if you like pears or bananas better than apples.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Sweet and Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
I thought I'd begin with this article by the BBC. I'm appalled. "Researchers estimated that more than 30,000 lives a year would be saved if everyone in the UK followed dietary guidelines on fat, salt, fibre, and fruit and vegetables." Food to me is meant to be one of those simple joys of life, and the idea of any serious health issues resulting from the food you eat frustrates me. This isn't a health food blog where I encourage you to use skimmed milk, butter substitutes and so forth. This is a food blog of healthy everyday meals with a few indulgences every now and then. I'd like to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Again, "healthy" doesn't mean no butter or cream. "Healthy" meaning butter and cream in moderation. "Healthy" meaning eclairs and croissants are okay as long as you don't eat it with every meal. And "healthy" meaning deep fried pizzas and butter should be limited to perhaps once a year (difference between the two is that the deep fried pizzas and butter are just utter butchery of food, and thus not worth any potential health risk/weight gain).
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Cauliflower, Pea and Paneer Curry
I used to be terrified of curries. I've always loved them, but the idea of making my own curry seemed beyond impossible. Growing up in an Italian household meant that my spice drawer only had like oregano, and seeing these curry recipes with 2 dozen spices was incredibly overwhelming.
But then eventually I had the urge to make my own curry. It's because when going to Indian restaurants, I only know how to order the creamy stuff, and if I were feeling the need to be healthy, I'd have to be an ignorant foreigner and ask the waiter if there's anything...dry. And I hate being the ignorant foreigner in a restaurant.
I'll keep this short and sweet because I have to go back to Maths. The thing is once you've read a couple of curry recipes online, you'll understand the harmonious relationships between all the spices, and you can create your own! The following spices are pretty prevalent in most curries, so it may be a good idea to stock up your spice drawer with these (it's only like 69p each) so you can have a curry fest whenever you want.

But then eventually I had the urge to make my own curry. It's because when going to Indian restaurants, I only know how to order the creamy stuff, and if I were feeling the need to be healthy, I'd have to be an ignorant foreigner and ask the waiter if there's anything...dry. And I hate being the ignorant foreigner in a restaurant.
I'll keep this short and sweet because I have to go back to Maths. The thing is once you've read a couple of curry recipes online, you'll understand the harmonious relationships between all the spices, and you can create your own! The following spices are pretty prevalent in most curries, so it may be a good idea to stock up your spice drawer with these (it's only like 69p each) so you can have a curry fest whenever you want.

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